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Facebook has done it again. What the heck is a Beacon?

Recently I was looking over notifications for one of the Facebook pages I manage when I stumbled into this message

Fascinating an Overstimulated Media Market [part I]

[AS FEATURED in ULTIMATE MAGAZINE] Have you had this experience? Search for an answer on Google, click on a webpage
Person reading Digital Marketing book.

Tips for Fascinating an overstimulated media market [part ii]

To read the first half of this post please visit here. [TIP THREE] A third tip to gain the attention

Facebook Canvas Is Changing How We Do Advertising

Facebook Canvas advertising is no joke. I sincerely and somewhat aggressively recommend to all of my clients. That they use
sales strategies

Seven Sales Strategies the Best Reps Use Daily (and 9 Rookie Mistakes to Avoid)

Who are the superstar salespeople you admire? Is it David Ogilvy, who literally wrote the manual on sales strategies, or

Design for the Non-Graphic Designer

Social Media is all about the images. No one has time to stop and read about your day or what’s