Tips for Creating an Effective Custom On Hold Message for Your Business

Custom On Hold for business

Every detail of marketing matters when it comes to leaving a lasting impression on your audience. Studies show that 99% of people will make a decision based on the sound of an advertisement. 

When you think of what should be included in your content plan and what jingles for business to pick, you most likely don’t prioritize making on-hold messaging the main sound element in your marketing…

Because the majority of us are used to custom on hold for business ideas being dull and repetitive. For example, most on-hold greetings consist of cheesy elevator music that can slowly drive you crazy after a while. 

But, what if there was a way to make an on-hold message that would leave a lasting impression, instead of filling time with bland, generic music?

Here are some tips and tricks for converting listeners to loyal consumers. 

How To Succeed With Custom On Hold for Business Messages

Custom on hold for business messages are meant to provide the listener with useful information. This is valuable time for your business. For instance, you should use both a custom jingles production and craft a compelling script. 

Therefore, the first thing to focus on is not on hold messaging equipment, but what you’re going to say in the message. Keep in mind that you have limited time, so you want to make every word count! 

Write the Script 

Without a great script, nobody will pay attention to the custom jingles for business you’ve created, or the radio commercial production. They’ll hang up and never think about your business again. 

Now, to avoid the cost of on-hold messages being for nothing, you have to begin with putting yourself in the caller’s shoes. This means the message should start with a clear explanation of the company.

However, you want to make the first section quick and efficient. Briefly introduce the company, highlight a standout feature, and move on.

Other on-hold examples include jingles for commercials which provide an interlude between waiting and talking to an agent. Plus, who doesn’t love to hear some soothing tunes?

It’s also important to give the caller a rough estimate of how long they might have to wait until they can speak to someone. After all, people take time out of their days to get in contact on the phone. 

So, you want to show that you appreciate their time and patience in the on-hold message. 

Make Announcements About Your Business

Custom radio ads for business, and on-hold messages are great ways to promote an upcoming product or highlight an exciting event that has happened in the company. 

You can inform callers about seasonal sales, a recently won award, or an additional feature that is being added to the business. Of course, these elements will be dependent on your brand. 

Therefore, try to keep them relevant and up-to-date as much as possible. Otherwise, someone might be calling in summer, and your on-hold message is still talking about Christmas deals. 

Keep It Short and Sweet 

Everyone knows that the first few minutes of interacting with a business could make or break the future relationship. That’s why you should never make your on-hold message longer than a couple of minutes.

If you write a good script that converts in those first few minutes, the caller will be willing to stay on the line a little longer. Then, you just need to provide them with a pleasant waiting experience. 

Focus on the Sound 

As already mentioned at the start of the article, the sound is essential for keeping callers on the line. However, you need to strike the balance between an enjoyable sound and making it clear it’s a recording. 

We’ve all had those moments when you call a customer service line and you hear a ring thinking you’re through to an agent. Then, the subtle elevator music starts playing and you realize you’re waiting in the queue

It’s not a fun experience.

So, the trick is to make the music appeal to your listener and encourage them to wait around for a short while. Picking the correct background noise is arguably one of the hardest parts of making a successful on-hold message.

Therefore, you want a company that is experienced in commercial production and on-hold messaging to take care of it for you.

Benefits of On-Hold Messaging 

Running a business is not an easy thing to do, there are constantly piles of paperwork piling up on your desks and calls to be made. But, investing in the small details of your company like on-hold messaging is worth the effort.

 1. Marketing Opportunity

People are always looking for ways to optimize marketing opportunities, however, sometimes the most obvious resources are overlooked. After you’ve given a caller an update about your company, they can respond immediately.

You don’t need to wait for engagement rates to increase, you have someone interested in your brand straight away. This allows you to promote your services and products one-to-one. 

2. Answers Important Questions

An on-hold message is also ideal for answering important questions about your company. You can include details such as phone numbers, discount codes, and opening hours. 

This gives callers the key information to get in contact and use your business without having to scroll through pages of text. 

3. Build Better Connections 

At the end of the day, on-hold messages are key to building lasting and loyal connections with your audience. There’s nothing better than having someone listen to your concerns and wanting to help.

Callers value this interaction and will be more inclined to use your business afterward. 

Set the Right Tone With On Hold Messaging

Ultimately, creating the perfect custom on hold for business message is about setting the right tone. You need to think about your caller and write a script that addresses their needs. 

At Killerspots Agency we create radio ad production, on-hold messaging, and social media marketing that takes your brand to a new level. You can even hire a green screen studio rental in Cincinnati as well!

The options are endless. It’s up to you how you use them. 

Let us help you create a killer on-hold message and get in contact with our team today. 

What Is Commercial Radio Production?

commercial radio production

If you think radio is a dying medium, think again – over 272 million Americans listen to the radio every month. That’s a huge percentage of the total US population.

Radio isn’t going away any time soon, which is why you need to understand what it can do for you and your business. Understanding the ins and outs of commercial radio production can unlock whole new audiences for your business. It can help you to expand your customer base and raise the profile of your brand.

If you’ve ever wondered what commercial radio production involves, keep reading! We’ll take you on a tour of the world of commercial radio, so you can sell your business with confidence.

Public vs Commercial Radio

There are two main types of radio stations in the US: public radio and commercial radio. Though the differences might look superficial at first, they operate very differently. If you’re planning to advertise your business on the radio, it’s important to know the difference between the two.

Public radio is considered not-for-profit and doesn’t air ads. Instead, a public radio station will air sponsorship messages from organizations or businesses that support the station financially. This is because the FCC forbids public radio stations from promoting for-profit businesses.

Non-commercial radio isn’t dependent on ratings to function and can offer more varied and unusual programming as a result. But for businesses, the obvious downside is that it’s hard to advertise on public radio without directly investing in a public radio station.

While sponsoring public radio will catch the attention of that station’s audience, it’s a big commitment, and it may not be accessible to every business.

Commercial radio stations know their niche, and they target it carefully. Commercial programming is built around a clear, specific audience, and so are commercial radio ads. These radio stations make money by selling ad spots, so they have a vested interest in promoting your business.

In 2020, there were over 15,000 commercial radio stations in the US. No matter your target demographic, you’ll be able to find a radio station that can reach them.

The Limitations of Commercial Radio

While commercial radio is an effective way to promote your business, it isn’t perfect. Before you commit to a campaign of radio commercials, you need to consider the limitations of commercial radio as a medium.

Because commercial radio stations target niche audiences, you may not be able to reach all the listeners you want by advertising on a single radio station. You could end up paying more money to promote your business on multiple stations, just to reach your core customer base.

You could also end up paying more for the time spots you want on a commercial radio station. These stations are run for profit and will charge you more to advertise at peak times. Depending on the audience you need to reach, those costs could add up fast.

You should also keep in mind that, while radio ads are a highly successful form of marketing, they can be seen as intrusive. This is especially true in comparison to non-commercial radio sponsorship messages, which listeners perceive as more philanthropic and trustworthy.

But these limitations aren’t the end of the world, and they shouldn’t stop you from looking into your commercial radio advertising options. Ultimately, commercial radio advertising still offers the best value for money compared to any other form of advertising. The drawbacks are minor, and they won’t stop your business from reaching the audience you need it to reach.

Commercial Radio Production

Commercial radio production is the creation and direction of what you hear on commercial radio. It’s usually a behind-the-scenes process, as radio producers aren’t often the same people who present or announce on the radio.

Radio producers working on commercial radio might produce anything from talk shows to radio ads. An audio producer will design sound effects, jingles, and musical cues. A content producer will oversee the production of radio shows and content, whether selecting callers for competitions or finding a voice actor for a radio ad spot.

A radio producer’s job, particularly in the competitive field of commercial radio, is to create the kind of content that people want to listen to. They’re specialists in putting across a clear message in a limited amount of time, in a way that will catch listeners’ attention.

Working With a Production Company

Making ads is a big part of commercial radio production. Working with a professional radio production company can give you the expertise you need to promote your business on the radio. Sure, you could try to produce a radio commercial on your own – but without knowing the ins and outs of commercial radio production, the quality of your ad would take a hit.

Here are just a few things a commercial radio production company can do for your business:

  • Scriptwriting
  • Jingle writing
  • Sound effect production
  • Music cue production
  • Voice actor casting
  • Delivery to radio stations

That’s everything you need to get your business out on the airwaves. It’s worth the investment to hire a company that can do everything necessary to kick-start your promotional campaign. 

Make Your Business Heard

If you think radio advertising is a good fit for your business, get in touch with Killerspots today! We’re the market leader in commercial radio production, with commercial production rates to suit any budget. Plus, with decades of experience in radio, we know exactly what will turn your listeners into repeat customers.

Send us a message now, and let’s work together to spread the word!

The Benefits of Having a Jingle for Your Business

jingles for business

Many businesses owe almost all of their growth to the assistance they receive from advertising agencies. Maybe that is why the industry for advertising agencies is worth more than $59 billion each year in the United States alone! However, many businesses are failing to make the most of jingles for business advertising, one of the most efficient advertising techniques out there!

Many business leaders do not realize how many benefits come with using a jingle for advertising. If more people appreciated the power of the jingle, more businesses would be likely to use them.

Of course, since businesses often do not use jingles, that means that it is easier for those that do to stand out from their competition.

So what are all of the benefits of using a jingle for your marketing? Read on to learn all about the most important advantages that come with using a business jingle!

Branding Benefits of a Jingle

Many people find it hard to describe exactly what branding is. One powerful way to think about branding is that it is like creating an artificial personality.

People are used to forming relationships with other people and getting to know their personalities. Businesses do not have personalities, but branding can help them appear to have personalities.

Business leaders can put together a personality for their business and then potential customers are more likely to feel like they have a social connection with a business. That sort of connection can lead to greater trust in a business.

So how can a jingle help with this process? Almost everybody defines themselves at least in some way by the music that they enjoy. A person who does not have any relationship to music may have trouble connecting to people, at least along that dimension.

If a business brand does not have any relationship to music, then it can have trouble connecting to people along the dimension of music. Creating a signature jingle for a business means giving people the sense that the business has a certain personality that relates to music as well as to other things that are important to humans.

You Can Use Catchy Jingles Over and Over Again

One of the amazing advantages of jingles that many people overlook is that you can use them over and over again. The vast majority of individual ads do not provide that much value. That is why businesses need to create new ads all of the time.

Every time they create a new ad, they pay a certain expense to do so. In contrast, you only pay for the cost of creating a jingle one time. Once that is done, you can use it over and over again, which makes it unique among advertising tools.

Whereas most advertising tools get less effective if you use them many times, jingles get more and more effective when you use them over and over again.

Jingles Are Easy to Remember

There is a reason that we have a song to teach children the alphabet. It is much easier to learn sequences of words and ideas when they are placed to music.

People have a deep instinct for music that helps it stick in their minds. That means that not only can you use a jingle many times, but people will be much more likely to remember your jingle than anything else about your advertising.

That makes it one of the single most potent advertising tools a business can have. 

A Jingle Branding Element Makes a Strong Impression

We already talked about how associating a business with music can help people feel like the personality of the business is more real. However, jingles can help you with branding in other ways as well.

Just making a business seem like it appreciates music is not the same thing as deciding what message to send with the music of the jingle. Whatever ideas you associate with the jingle will be disproportionately salient in the minds of potential customers.

For example, if a jingle talks about the importance of community, consumers are more likely to think of community as one of the strongest values of a business.

You might also choose to represent cost savings or reliability as among the highest values of a business. Whatever value you express with a jingle, people will remember it more than almost anything else you express about your company.

Catchy Jingles Can Brighten Moods

Many people hate advertising. They feel that it is intrusive and does not provide value to them the vast majority of the time.

However, jingles can be much more pleasant to experience. As a result, you can turn what could feel like an intrusive ad into an enjoyable experience for consumers.

Enjoy Less Competition

Most companies are already saturating other marketing spaces. Using a jingle can mean standing out because fewer businesses realize how effective a good jingle can be.

Jingles Become More Powerful With Time

Other ads tend to lose value over time. What seemed relevant before becomes irrelevant as the years go by.

However, jingles enjoy the opposite dynamic. The more you use them, the more powerful they become. Years later, they can even provide the benefits of nostalgia.

Understand the Benefits of Having Jingles for Business

It is hard to deny the significance of the benefits of having jingles for business advertising. They provide a unique combination of efficiency and efficacy. The more you understand the power of the jingle, the better able you will be to assess if a jingle is the right marketing move for your business.

To learn more about how you can obtain a powerful jingle, feel free to reach out and get in touch with us here at any time!

5 Things to Know About Radio Ads

Things to know about radio ads

Radio ads tend to be one of the more underrated outlets chosen as a form of marketing for new or smaller businesses. In reality, radio has the greatest reach across every age group in American culture. Radio can reach over 243 million American listeners in just one week. Compared to other media outlets, radio tends to have the most consistent listeners. Most people get in their cars in the morning and choose to listen to something, whether it be music, podcasts, etc. on their drive to work. Some people choose Apple Music, Spotify, or even regular AM/FM radio. Regardless of the platform users choose to stream, each of those platforms respectively has advertisements they choose and/or get paid to stream.

If you’re looking to increase exposure to your brand, advertising on the radio is a worthwhile outlet to learn more about. Below are 5 things you should know about radio ads before starting on your radio advertising journey:

1. Audience

Before you draft scripts for your radio ads, you will need to know who your audience is. The product or service you’re advertising will largely determine your target audience. These demographic factors are some of the ones you’ll want to account for:

  • Sex (Males or Females)
  • Age (Kids/Teens, Young Adults, Middle-Aged Adults, or Seniors)
  • Urban, Suburban, or Rural
  • Geographical Location (East, West, South, Midwest, or Other Countries)
  • Income Level
  • Education Level
  • Occupation
  • Family Status

Create a couple of profiles of your ideal customers based on the list above. Once your profiles are complete, then you can start drafting bullet points for a script your target audience would respond to.

2. Platform

With your audience in mind, you should then determine the platform your radio ads will play on. As we already said, AM/FM radio reaches millions of listeners every week. But there are other audio platforms that also run “radio” ads. You can choose to run ads on streaming platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music, Pandora, or Amazon Music.

What will your ideal audience listen to the most? Age, income, and occupation will likely be the most important factors. If your product is geared towards rural retirees, you would want to stick to AM/FM radio. However, if your ad is targeting middle-class millennials or Gen Z, you would want to run your radio ads on music streaming platforms. You can also do both for maximum exposure, but as we’ll cover later, the cost will largely be the determining factor for this decision.

3. Stations

If you choose AM/FM radio ads, you also will need to determine the stations on which your ads will play. Large, national stations will have the largest audience, but they will also cost more to run ads, and they may not target your ideal audience. You may want to select a local or independent station to run your ads if your target audience is rural, or if you have a local product/service you’re trying to promote. The number of listeners may be less, but the quality of your leads will be greater if they’re more likely to have a use for your product.

4. Frequency and Timing

The next thing you need to consider is when your ads will be played and how frequently. Your target audience will be actively listening at different times during the day, so it’s important to go back to your audience profile to make this decision. If you’re targeting white-collar workers, the morning commute hour would be prime time for multiple airings and the same with the afternoon or evening commute. If your target audience is stay-at-home mothers, mid-afternoon or evening would be the best time to catch their attention.

Unless your audience is overnight workers or night owls, chances are you won’t have much luck airing in the middle of the night. But look closely at your audience profile, and the optimal times to reach them could surprise you!

5. Cost

Finally, you’ll need to take into consideration your budget and the cost of radio ads. Radio tends to be of much greater value than television and print. Even so, knowing what you’re spending your money on is imperative. To get the most bang for your buck, making sure that you’re informed on the ins and outs of radio advertising before heading into a business will prove to be highly beneficial.

The cost of your advertisements will vary greatly depending on a few factors. Radio advertising can range roughly anywhere from $200 – $5,000 per week depending on your location. There is a significant difference in costs for advertising in a smaller regional marketing station, as opposed to a larger city metro station. Radio ads are priced through the evaluation and consideration of factors such as frequency of play, reach, and cost-per-point. Cost-per-point is what it may cost to reach 1% of your ideal audience.

If you’re going the streaming service route, the costs will be different. Spotify has a minimum of $250 to advertise on their platform, with each individual ad play costing fractions of a cent. Pandora charges between $8-12 CPM for audio ads, which means that for every thousand people Pandora shows your ad, you’ll be charged that amount. They also have a $250 minimum spend.

You’ll need to do your research and determine what your budget is for radio ad spending. Ask around, get quotes from different stations and different platforms. Using the factors above and your audience profile, you’ll be able to determine which station or platform will be the most lucrative, and how frequently your ads should run to reach your target demographic.

Killer Radio Ad Production from Killerspots

With all this in mind, you may be wondering how you can draft radio ads that will grab your audience’s attention. Killerspots has been producing radio ads for our clients since 1999, with many awards under our belt. When it comes to radio—we can do it all: script writing, voiceovers, producing, jingles, media buying, and ad placement. We do all this while delivering the best ads with the most value for your budget. Get in touch with us today for a quote, and in no time at all, you’ll be hearing your business all over the airwaves.

Green Screen Studio Rental in Cincinnati: Create Advertising Magic

green screen studio rental in Cincinnati

Movie magic isn’t just for Hollywood anymore. You too can create magic in your next television advertisement. How? A green screen studio!

Yes, it’s that simple. Local television ads can be very effective for your business and a green screen studio rental in Cincinnati is exactly what your business needs to create your next ad.

From a studio, you can create a strong brand identity in a professional and effective way. Keep reading to explore the many possibilities that a green screen studio can bring you. 

What Is a Green Screen Studio?

First things first, what is a green screen? A green screen is like a blank canvas. You or an actor can stand in front of the green screen, and the green screen is then used to edit other images and videos onto it during post-production. This process is called “chroma-keying.”

In other words, the green screen is used so that the video editor can change the background behind the person standing in front of it so that it looks seamless and professional. 

A green screen studio is a set place where the green screen is set up professionally, and there is professional lighting. A green screen is basically used for an editing trick, so there needs to be proper lighting, or it will not work. 

A green screen studio rental is the perfect place to film your next ad because you will have amazing equipment at your fingertips and the professionals to help you use that equipment. 

Creating an Ad With a Green Screen Studio

Utilizing a green screen studio rental gives you the freedom to create advertising magic. With the blank canvas that a green screen can be, you are able to do a number of different things. 

Let’s say your business is in the middle of a busy city. If you wanted to film an advertisement at your storefront, the bustling city is going to be way too loud for anyone to be able to hear you. You’ll create a sub-par commercial that isn’t going to look very professional. 

If you use a green screen studio, you could take a high-quality photo of your storefront and edit it into the background. Then, you can still show the front of your store and talk to your audience. Since you are in a quiet studio, everyone will be able to hear you.

If you sell a product you want to be demonstrated, but you don’t have the budget for an entire set, this is a perfect time to use a green screen. You can rent a green screen space and put any desired background behind the product demonstration. This can help you save money and gives you creative control over your ad. 

These are just two simple ways that you can raise the quality of your advertisements with a green screen. 

Benefits of Using a Green Screen Studio Rental

There are many different benefits to using a green screen for your next ad. 

First off, it looks very professional. Green screen technology has come a long way from looking awkward and cheesy. Now, you can create a professional and sleek look for your business through a green screen ad. 

You can also use the green screen to create a brand identity. With the green screen, you have full creative control. This way, you can use your brand elements like colors, font, and logos, to help the audience understand your brand. 

Crafting a brand identity is very important for any business, and a green screen studio can make that simple. 

Not only are you able to have control over the environment, but you’ll be able to film practically anywhere in the world. Not literally, of course, but the magic of editing can make it look like you are anywhere in the world. You could be standing in Cincinnati and look like you’re on the beach! 

Most importantly, the professional equipment is already set up for you! As we mentioned before, the correct lighting is very important in a green screen studio. You do not want to be responsible for learning all the ins and outs of studio lighting. Let the professionals handle that for you. 

If you are curious about using a green screen and looking for some tips, you can learn more here.

A green screen studio is exactly what you need for your next ad. Your business will see growth with a professional ad like what you can create in a studio.

Why Use a Green Screen Studio Rental in Cincinnati?

Renting a studio in Cincinnati can be very affordable in terms of creating an ad. Filming an ad and getting all the right equipment can be a very daunting task. Luckily, renting a green screen studio can be simple and within your budget. 

Renting the right equipment you would need would not only take a lot more time but would cost way more than it would to simply rent out the studio. 

Our green screen services at Killer Spots Agency have great options for hourly or full-day rentals, making it affordable and straightforward for your business. 

We are here to help the less experienced or fade into the background for the more experienced filmmakers. No need to worry!

Need to Rent a Green Screen Studio?

Creating advertising magic doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. To create the perfect ad for your business, you need to rent a green screen studio. 

Looking for a green screen studio rental in Cincinnati? We provide brilliant services to help your business grow and succeed. Whether you are a seasoned videographer or a business owner looking to create their next ad, we’re here to help.

Contact us today to get a quote for your green screen studio needs. 

On Hold Greetings: Making a Positive First Impression

On Hold greetings

Did you know that 60% of callers will hang up after they’ve been on hold for 1 minute? While you can’t always avoid putting callers on hold, there are ways to make their hold experience more pleasant.

On-hold greetings are often the introduction to your company, so you need to make sure that you introduce yourself to customers the right way.

How can you put together an on-hold greeting that will make a good impression? And how will your on-hold music, or an on-hold message, help to keep your customer on the line? Here’s our guide on how to make sure your on-hold greetings make the right impression every time.

What On-Hold Greetings Will You Need?

When you’re starting out with on-hold greetings, you’ll need to decide which greetings to record. Depending on the size of your business, you may need just one of each greeting or several greetings for different departments. Whatever your business size, you’ll likely need the following greeting types:

Opening Greeting

This is the message that plays as soon as your phone system picks up a call. The opening greeting will include some sort of welcome message, along with your business name and a next step. For example:

Thank you for calling Dog Groomers R Us. To best answer your call, please choose from one of the following options.

Your caller will feel welcomed and will also know what to do to have their query addressed.

On-Hold Messaging

An on-hold message will let callers know that there is a queue and that they’ll need to hold to speak to an advisor. For example:

All of our agents are dealing with other calls. Please hold, and we will answer your call as soon as possible.

Voicemail Greeting

A voicemail greeting is used for out-of-hours calls. If a customer calls outside of business hours, a voicemail greeting will let them know of alternative ways to answer their query.

It will also let them know when they can call back and can welcome them to leave a message if you have that service enabled. For example:

Thank you for calling Popsicle Vacations. We are now closed. Please visit our website,, and use our live chat feature. Alternatively, you can call us back between 9 AM and 5 PM Monday through Friday.

How to Ensure a Successful Greeting

Now you know which greetings you need, how do you record a greeting that’ll keep callers on the line? One way is by recording custom on-hold messages with the following:

Use a Pleasant Tone

First off, you don’t want callers to feel like an inconvenience. Don’t ever record a message that sounds frustrated, stern, or tired.

Instead, you want to use a pleasant, upbeat tone that sounds warm and welcoming, as well as eager to help with their inquiry.

Do Apologize

Your customers are paying you good money, so they should be able to speak to you whenever they need to. Of course, sometimes calls can stack up, so there’s a delay in responding to everyone. Callers understand that, but they appreciate an apology.

Saying sorry for making them wait is good manners, and it’ll help customers to feel that you’re aware of their inconvenience.

Don’t Overwhelm Them With Information

One alternative to on-hold music is to give your customers information on other products or services you offer. Or, you may want to let them know other ways to get in touch. Whatever the information you offer, don’t overwhelm your callers by giving them too much information all at once.

Doing so will probably give them a headache and either make them want to hang up or will get them more worked up before speaking to an agent. Instead, break any information down into manageable chunks, and disperse it throughout the message. This will give them a chance to digest the first lot of info before moving on to the next. 

Make Your Hold Music Count

While on-hold music can be frustrating as it means a caller isn’t speaking to an operator, it’s still a vital part of your call answering system. And you can’t just put any old music on and expect to keep customers happy. Here are a couple of things to think about when choosing your on-hold music. 

Silence Is Deadly

What’s worse than annoying on-hold music? No hold music at all. When callers hear silence at the end of the line, they’ll think that they’ve been cut off and are more likely to hang up.

So, be sure to choose some hold music to include on the line while your callers wait to be attended to. It will boost your call retention and may even help them feel better in the process.

Choose Music To Suit Your Audience

If you have a very specific target market, then you may want to choose hold music that will appeal to them. For example, if most of your customers are millennials, then songs they knew all the lyrics to a few years ago might get their feet tapping.

If you have a wide audience, though, opt for music that is soothing and inoffensive. Classical music is often a popular choice because it’s loved by many and doesn’t get on your nerves.

On-Hold Greetings: The Takeaway

A custom on-hold for business greeting is a way to introduce your company to your customers and is the first step in solving their query. Decide which messages you need to record, and then record your on-hold greetings in a style that will keep callers on the line.

Apologize for any inconvenience, and use a pleasant, upbeat tone to help them feel listened to. If you record your greeting the right way, you’ll boost customer retention and provide great customer service along the way.

Are you ready to customize your on-hold greetings but don’t know what to say? Then contact us and order a custom on-hold message today. 

Radio Commercial Production: 5 Tips to Create a Successful Ad

radio commercial production

In this age of technology, things are constantly changing and updating. All except for one thing: radio.

To this day, radio is still widely used as one of the most effective ways to reach people. About 92% of Americans still listen to the regular AM/FM radio, with other mediums falling short. 

It’s only reasonable then to make use of this medium to advertise your business. With its repetitive nature and quick, pointed messages, radio ad production is one of the best ways for people to know and remember you. 

Although, there is one issue. How can you captivate listeners and encourage them to look at your business? 

Here are 5 ways you can make a successful radio commercial production. 

1. Know Your Audience 

Do your research.

Figure out which demographic your business appeals to, and make a list of what they would be interested in. See who or what is popular among that group and use that information to draw them in. 

By doing a deep dive into the potential customers of your business, you will end up with a list of dos and don’ts that will help you out in the long run. 

For example, if your business appeals to a younger generation, talking to them in a serious tone might not be the way to go. 

2. Brand Voice and Tone 

How people see you and your brand is of vital importance. You want them to connect to your business and the message that you want to share. 

Develop the personality of your business and how you intend to speak to your audience. Getting your brand voice right will help people become familiarized with you and your business. 

Just make sure to keep your brand voice consistent so that each radio commercial production is connected to your business. 

Once you have your brand voice, you can look into the right tone for your radio ads. Is your business light-hearted and fun-oriented? Or are you a little more subdued and serious? 

Brand tone can change over time, so make sure to keep up to date with what your audience needs. 

When you have mastered both the brand voice and tone, you’ll have a guide to how you will present your custom radio ads for business to the public. 

3. Simplicity in Your Radio Commercial Production

The average radio ad is about 30-60 seconds long. That’s hardly enough time to get into detail about your business. 

So, how do you manage to keep your authenticity, brand voice, and tone as well as remain charming enough to get people to keep listening in such a short period of time? 

Focus on the important aspects of your business and leave the audience wanting more. Be direct and to the point. 

Simplicity could also apply to the way that the message is delivered. While emotional, dramatic lines in your radio ad can be an effective way to appeal to someone’s emotions, sometimes a commercial radio production set as a casual conversation is better.

It will make the listener feel as if they’re part of the conversation. 

4. Be Creative and Appeal to Emotion

An effective strategy when making a successful radio ad is to appeal to your audience’s emotions. 


A lot of our everyday decisions are affected by emotion. 

Creativity comes into the picture when we make use of the art of storytelling. While a fictional story can move others to act, a relatable story, on the other hand, could draw in your audience as well as let them know that your business understands them. 

By being creative, you can ensure that your content is always fresh and unique. Look into the trends that can help you relate to your audience.

Knowing what your audience needs and is interested in does require some research, but it will ultimately set you apart from the others and keep your listeners interested. 

5. Strong Conclusion and Call to Action

Within the 30-60 second time limit, the conclusion of your radio ad is just as important as your introduction. 

In these last seconds, use a call to action and remind the audience what your message is.  

What’s next? 

Describe what steps to take. Lead your audience to you by giving them various ways to get into contact, be it a phone number or a website.

Repetition is Key 

Timing is everything in commercial radio production. 

Once you’ve applied all the steps mentioned above, all that’s left is to repeat your radio ad during certain times of the day or week. It’s important to find the right balance of repetition without making your audience feel as if they’re being “nagged.” 

Additionally, keep in mind that certain times during the day, week, month, and year are going to apply differently to your audience. 

For example, a Christmas-oriented business may find it more effective to broadcast its radio ads towards the end of the year. 

This is a process that takes time, but it’s a guarantee that the result is well worth it. 

After all, the listener would be moved to act upon the radio ad they hear only after listening to it a few more times. 

Explore Your Options

Aside from radio commercial production, we offer additional services that will elevate the quality of your radio ads. 

Need something catchy and fun? We have talented producers who work hard to produce custom jingles for your business. 

For other aspects of your business, we offer special on-hold greetings that are designed to keep the caller online and engaged.

Let Us Help

Of course, these are just a few of the ways you can draw your audience into the product or service that you provide.  

It’s only natural that you want the best radio commercial production company with the experience and professionalism to help you out. 

We have been in the commercial radio production business for over 20 years. We know our stuff, and we’re more than happy to share our expertise with you and your business. 

Ready for a high-quality radio commercial production? Contact us now!

Jingles Production: Catchiest Lyrics of All Time

Jingles production

You might be shocked to learn that approximately 89 percent of people believe musical jingles to be a very effective form of advertising. Giving your brand or product a catchy tune and lyrics is one of the easiest ways for people to remember it. Odds are, if you hear “catchy advertising jingle”, you’re already hearing a few top candidates in your head!

As it turns out, creating a lasting and memorable advertising jingle is a delicate art that requires a keen eye for music and marketing. This brief guide will break down some of the all-time classics of jingle production.

Kit Kat – “Give Me a Break”

Not only is the Kit Kat bar practically synonymous with its enduring jingle, but the phrase “give me a break” has never been the same since!

First introduced in a 1986 TV ad, “Give Me a Break” was written on a whim by a junior copywriter before becoming an immediate favorite of test audiences. Since then, it’s landed among the most iconic jingles for ads. You likely know it’s impossible not to think of whenever you snap off a piece of any candy bar for that matter!

State Farm – “Like A Good Neighbor”

Enlisting the catchy musical expertise of Barry Manilow, State Farm debuted one of the most instantly recognizable jingles for business in 1971.

With the help of the “Copacabana” singer, “Like A Good Neighbor” became ingrained in the culture’s musical memory. To this day, almost every State Farm ad either begins or ends with a quick, truncated instrumental version of the song title’s five simple notes.

McDonald’s – “I’m Lovin’ It”: An All-Star Jingles Production Duo

Even when writing a jingle for commercials that are only a few seconds long, sometimes bringing together A-list jingle production talent yields only the best results.

In 2003, the iconic “ba-da ba pa-pa” was first sung by none other than Justin Timberlake over a composition by Grammy-winning rapper Pusha T. Tragically for Pusha, he missed out on the profits from the jingle’s publishing rights. “I want artists to know that,” he attests to this day, “Keep the publishing.”

Chili’s – “I Want My Baby Back, Baby Back, Baby Back…”

It could perhaps be dubbed “the commercial jingle that never ends”. Chili’s first debuted this repetitious earworm all the way back in 1986.

With a cyclical, never-ending baritone backdrop of “I want my baby back, baby back, baby back…”, Chili’s made its signature dish a staple in the cultural consciousness. The song has been spoofed and referenced all over, from the Austin Powers films to Scrubs. The catchiness is unimpeachable, and it makes the temptation to order at least one rack difficult to not indulge.

Empire – “800 Number”

At the end of the day, remembering brands, product names, or snappy slogans is easy enough. As Empire Carpet Today proved, it’s a next-level feat altogether for jingles in commercials to get an audience to easily recall an entire ten-digit phone number.

The enterprise once known as “The Empire Carpet Man” has changed its name and number since first introducing the song. Nonetheless, over the image of CGI employees installing carpets, it’s hard not to hear the company’s entire contact number right as you see it: “800-588-2300 Empire!”

Subway – “Five Dollar Footlong”

Sometime around 2008, Subway was offering new daily specials and very much wanted the world to know. With endless variations of repeating “Five. Five dollar. Five dollar footlong”, they succeeded in this goal without a doubt.

Subway originally conceived the “five dollar footlong” as a sly sales tactic. However, the company quickly realized the viral deal of their jingle’s namesake had run away from them. Unfortunately, the five dollar footlong deal ended for good in 2018.

Folgers – “The Best Part of Wakin’ Up”

For over thirty years, Folgers had coffee enthusiasts of the world rejoicing around the unforgettable refrain: “The best part of wakin’ up is Folgers in your cup”.

The song proved so influential for so that a fan even purchased the rights to it as recently as 2021!

Snagging the song’s rights for ninety thousand dollars at an auction, one enterprising stranger somewhere in the world will be bringing in residuals every time it’s played publicly.

Oscar Meyer – “I Wish I Was An Oscar Meyer Wiener”

To this day, “I Wish I Was An Oscar Meyer Weiner” perhaps remains an undeniable candidate for “weirdest slogan ever coined”. If anything, that goes to show you the staying power of a catchy and memorable song!

The tune was first cooked up by Richard Trentlage, a Chicago musician who simply held a unique fondness for jingle writing. In his kooky theme song, he imagines muses upon the key to being loved by everyone you meet: living out an existence as an Oscar Meyer wiener.

Originally accompanied by a goofy cartoon in its first 1965 ad, the song has spent decades giving us an odd reminder that life as a hot dog…might not be so bad?

Produce A Jingle Worthy of The Hall of Fame

If the countless success stories weren’t enough to speak for themselves, quality jingles production can sometimes be the secret ingredient that takes your brand to the next level. There’s no easier way to see how a good jingle could boost your brand than to try it yourself!

At Killer Spots Agency, our proven, expert approach to radio, voiceover, and jingle production is here to provide measurable results.

Contact us today and let us help you bring your brand’s unforgettable jingle to life.

Who is Your Target Audience? How to Engage Yours

who is your audience

Did you know that nearly 60% of marketers today measure the success of their content marketing strategy through sales? Content marketing is one of the most effective ways to engage your target audience and promote your product or service.

Unfortunately, you can’t create content without knowing why your target audience is. If you’re struggling to reach your target audience or even identify who they are, this guide is for you.

Engaging your target audience is critical for effective ads. So who is your audience, and how can you reach them? Keep reading to find out:

Who Is Your Target Audience?

This is the first and most important question you need to answer. How will you effectively engage your target audience if you don’t know who your target audience is?

Your target audience, also known as target consumers, is the group of people most likely to buy your product or use your service. To identify who your target audience is, consider these factors:

  • Geographic location
  • Demographics (age, gender, income, etc.)
  • Interests and hobbies
  • Psychographics (lifestyle, values, personality)

Once you’ve considered all of these factors, you should have a pretty good idea of who your target audience is.

But don’t stop there! The next step is to research more about your target audience so you can learn as much as possible about them. This will help you fine-tune your marketing efforts and maximize your campaigns.

Below are tips on how to define your target audience:

Study Your Products and Services

To determine who your target audience is, you need to first understand your product or service. What need does it fill? Who would benefit from using it?

Once you have a good understanding of your product or service, you can narrow down your target audience. For example, if you offer a new type of fitness class, your target audience might be people who are interested in getting fit and healthy.

To engage your target audience, you need to speak to their needs and interests. You can do this by creating marketing materials that highlight how your product or service can help them achieve their goals.

You can also reach out to influencers in your target audience and ask them to promote your product or service. By taking these steps, you can ensure that you are engaging with the people who are most likely to use your product or service.

Identify the Benefits Your Business Offers

What is the value of your business to your customers? This is what you need to identify to create an effective marketing strategy. Once you know what your business offers your target customers, you can determine how to reach them effectively.

Your business can offer three types of benefits: functional, emotional, and social benefits.

Functional benefits are the basic features and advantages of your product or service. These are the tangible benefits that your customers can see and experience.

Emotional benefits are the intangible, positive feelings that your customers get from using your product or service. These are the values that drive customer loyalty and customer satisfaction.

Social benefits are the positive effects that your product or service has on society. They show how your product or service will improve the customer’s social status. These values make your product or service unique and different from your competitors.

Some businesses will have a mix of all three types of benefits, while others will focus on just one or two. It all depends on what your business offers and what your target audience is looking for.

Check Social Media Analytics

Your social media analytics is a source of valuable insights about who your target audience is and how to engage them. The data you collect can help you determine the demographics of your audience, their interests, and what kind of content they are most likely to engage with.

Log into your account on each platform and navigate to the analytics section to get started. Facebook Insights, Twitter Analytics, and Instagram Insights are good places to start. Review the data and take note of any patterns or trends that you see.

Once you understand who your target audience is, you can start creating content that is more likely to resonate with them. Engaging your target audience on social media will help to build relationships and foster loyalty.

Use Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free tool that marketers use to track website traffic. It can help you learn more about your customers.

Through the collected data, you can determine how they found your site, what pages they viewed, and how long they stayed on each page. This information can help you determine your target audience and how to engage them.

You can also use Google Analytics to track conversions. Conversion rates can help you determine whether or not your target audience is interested in what you have to offer.

To set up Google Analytics, you will need to create a Google account and add the code to your site. Once you have set up Google Analytics, you can view detailed reports about your website traffic.

How to Engage Your Target Audience

When it comes to engaging your target audience, there are a few key strategies to keep in mind. First, it’s essential to recognize the specific needs and interests of your audience. Then, tailor any communication or content accordingly.

This can involve doing research about your audience and taking their feedback into account when making decisions about your product or service.

Next, it is essential to avoid relying solely on generic marketing tactics. These include flashy ads and catchy slogans. Instead, try to engage your audience on a more personal level by establishing relationships with individuals and being sincere and authentic in your interactions.

Finally, make sure that you are accessible and responsive at all times in order to meet the needs of your target audience effectively. With these simple tips in mind, you can create a dynamic and highly effective strategy for engaging your target audience.

Now You Know Who Is Your Audience

Who is your audience? This is one of the first questions you should ask yourself when starting a business. Once you know who your target audience is, you can begin to think about how to engage them.

There are several strategies you can use to engage your audience, including research and analytics, social media marketing, and Google Analytics. With these tools at your disposal, you can create a tailored approach that speaks directly to your customers and connects with them on a personal level.​

Do you need help identifying and engaging your target audience? Contact us today, and we can help you get started.

Commercials 101: How to Create a Radio Commercial

how to create a commercial

Did you know 83% of Americans listen to the radio on a regular basis?

As a business owner, if you aren’t leveraging radio marketing to widen your reach and grow your business, you could miss out on many potential customers. 

One thing that holds many businesses back from embracing radio ads is feeling overwhelmed about understanding how to make one that works. So keep reading to learn how to create a commercial for the radio that stands out in no time!

Determine Your Target Audience

Creating a radio ad is a bit different from creating digital ads or other types you might be familiar with.

Because radio ads are often localized, you might need to hone in on your target audience compared to other ads you run. Take the time to determine who you’re trying to reach and why.

If you’re trying to direct people to a local storefront, your message will be completely different from simply telling people about your website or online store.

Keep Things Short and Sweet

Your radio ad length will likely be around 30 seconds or less. So focusing on keeping your message as short as possible while still providing the listener with valuable information is the key to a successful ad.

Be sure to focus on the benefits your product or service will bring the listener. Avoid spending too much time introducing your business. People can easily do a quick online search to find more basic information if the ad grabs their attention.

If your business lends itself well to something sarcastic or funny, throwing something in there like that can make the ad more memorable. 

Remember that people are most likely driving their cars when they hear your ad. So if you want them to remember to look your business up later, they need to be able to recall the information with ease.

Having a short message to repeat your business name, location, website, etc., more than once can help too.

Have a Strong Call to Action

As mentioned above, your commercial needs to encourage listeners to take action. Some great commercial CTAs include:

  • Command words
  • Words to evoke emotion
  • Free consultations
  • Fear of missing out (sales, new product releases, etc.)

Your ad should have a purpose beyond simply introducing the public to your business. 

Don’t Be Unnatural

The biggest thing you should remember when considering how to create a radio ad is being natural is crucial. 

If a radio ad is too in your face, people get turned away from your business. Mentioning the products you sell or services you offer once is enough for them to understand what your business is about.

Repeating it too often can make people tune it out or change the station. So instead, try working your message in as naturally as possible, so people don’t feel like they’re being sold something and instead feel like they’re discovering something they need instead.

Stay True to Your Brand Voice

The radio advertising industry is projected to have a $19.58 billion market size this year. That’s a massive bump from previous years.

It can be easy to assume no matter what your ad sounds like, just having one alone is all it takes. But, in reality, focusing on your brand voice is essential if you plan on using radio ads regularly to promote your business.

Knowing what your business stands for and what it doesn’t is a crucial first step before writing any commercials. You don’t want to give people the wrong idea, especially if you have multiple different ads running.

Your brand doesn’t change when the commercials do, so staying consistent matters. Here are a few more tips about maintaining your brand voice throughout your commercials.

Record Quality Audio

If you’ve ever listened to a recording with poor quality audio, you know how frustrating it can be. Usually, it’s so distracting you have no idea what the message actually is because all you can focus on is how bad it sounds.

If your commercial audio quality is poor, assume your results will be poor too.

Using quality recording equipment and choosing the right person to record the ad is necessary. Eventually, your ads might be defined by the speaker you choose, so choosing wisely at the start is essential.

Choose the Right Station

You can create a compelling ad with a fantastic call to action and beautiful recording quality and see zero results if you choose the wrong station to play your ad.

If your target audience is middle-aged people with disposable incomes, running an ad on a popular teen music radio station doesn’t make sense. 

You should understand which stations your audience is most likely to listen to and target them. 

Click here to learn the ten most important tips for creating compelling ads so you can get started on the right foot and wow people with your ads from the getgo.

How to Create a Commercial: Well Crafted Radio Ads Bring Stellar Results

If you wondered how to create a commercial to catch people’s attention on the radio, this article laid everything out.

If you follow the tips mentioned here, no matter what your business is, you should be able to craft a unique commercial to catch people’s attention. 

If you’re ready to hop into radio advertising as soon as possible, contact us today to learn about our radio ad production services, so your audio quality enhances your commercial instead of taking away from it!

What Is a Brand Voice? How to Define Your Unique Brand

what is a brand voice

Sometimes the word “brand” brings to mind one of those catchy radio commercial jingles you hear over and over. The hard truth is, that a brand’s voice is a cornerstone for any company.

Statistics show that if you implement your brand voice consistently, throughout your company, you’ll see your revenues increase.  This increase can be as high as 20 percent. Building your brand is the key to your company’s future success.

Learn more here on what is a brand voice all about and how to build one that establishes your company’s identity. When you develop this identity now, you’ll guarantee faster growth in your company’s future.

Why Is Branding So Important?

The most familiar brands in the market today have the power to cement a lasting impression on their target customers’ psyche. Buyers will often recognize these products and company names and connect with them on emotional levels.

Building a brand will attract a loyal following. These believers will know what they can expect from your product and will learn how to trust you.

Building a brand can also help you attract your future workers to come work for you. You’ll see that potential employees want to work for your enterprise and become a part of its familiar name.

Potential business associates might want to collaborate because they know about your positive reputation. Investors will start knocking on your door because they want to collaborate with a recognized name in your specific industry.

The History of Branding

Early branding history standouts in this country included brand names such as Tide and Lipton. These companies designed what’s known today as brand management science.

These companies knew how to speak to customers and learn what their values were and what was most important to them. Once they found out what emotional value a customer had for their product, they would create a tone that promoted that product based on this value.

These companies identified their customer’s values before their competitors did. They also learned that they could charge a higher price for their products if a customer believed that they offered the best value as compared to their competitors.

What Is a Brand Voice?

A company’s brand voice means how they talk to its customers. A brand voice directed to a target audience should have its own style and come across as true to the company’s persona and values.   

Think of a brand voice as the tone in which you communicate with your friends, family, work colleagues, or spouse. Just like there is a specific way you communicate with these people, there’s also a way to communicate with your customers.

Buyers will buy more from those brands that create emotional connections, rather than with brands that deliver uninspired messaging. Think of your brand tone as to how your company says something, less than what they say.

Types of Brand Voice

Brand voice can range anywhere from intellectual to playful. Some of the most common brand voice examples you’ll see in the market today include:

  • Aggressive and strong
  • Sweet and elegant
  • Weird or out-of-the-ordinary
  • Inspiring and positive
  • Funny
  • Aggressive and strong
  • Simple or considerate
  • Highly emotional.

How to Find Your Brand Voice

The first step to building your brand voice is to identify the core elements of your company’s products and name. These elements should tell the world who you are and what customers can expect when they do business with your company. These core elements include the following:

Identify Your Company Values

Create a brand voice that mirrors what you believe is important so that you can align it with your company’s top priorities. One simple way to do this is to have your company’s on-hold messaging recording outline your company’s products and values.

You should also link your brand to your company’s mission. When you do, you’ll show your target audience why you are their best choice to meet their specific needs.

Know Your Customer

Understand your customer’s values and desires. When you do, then you’ll be able to create a compelling tone that keeps their loyalty and persuades them to visit your business over and over again.

What do your customers need right now? Are those needs going to shift in the future? When you know how to appeal to your buyers, you can shift your strategy and market to them in the future as well.

Know What the Competition Is Doing

Lipton and Tide knew this point all too well. They learned early that if they took the time to find out what the competition could (or couldn’t) do, their products could outpace what these other products could do.

Make a note of what didn’t work for your competitors. Then you can avoid making the mistakes they made.

Test, Review, and Adapt Your Voice

Review and experiment with your brand tone on your printed and electronic platforms. Write some sample blog posts for your website, using your new brand voice. Ask for feedback from your colleagues.

Review how your tone interacts with other components of your brand.  Is your voice consistent with your website, letterhead, or business cards?

Does your logo send off a different impression? Does your tone conflict with the logos or colors you’ve chosen to represent your business? Check to be sure that these other branding vehicles don’t conflict but work consistently together to avoid confusing messages.

Schedule Time to Review and Adjust Your Brand Voice

It’s easy to forget about developing your brand voice throughout your hectic work schedule. With all of the other day-to-day obligations fighting for your attention, it might be tempting to think that a brand voice can develop itself.

Just remember that building your brand tone is an investment in your company’s future. Make time to look at your messaging to make sure you aren’t sending conflicting signals.

What Are Your Next Steps?

It’s a time-consuming exercise to build your brand voice. Make it a habit to set aside time to observe what the competition is doing. Make strategic adjustments in response to a customer’s online feedback.

Don’t forget to check our website for more helpful information on what is a brand voice all about. Let us help take your enterprise to its next best level by contacting us today. 

Jingles That Mingle: How to Create Effective Jingles for Commercials

jingles for commercials

Americans better love their ads! The average American sees between 6,500 and 11,000 ads every day.

If you want your commercials to stand out, you have to make them interesting and distinctive. An easy way to do that is to write jingles for commercials. 

But don’t start writing song lyrics just yet. You need to know a few things if you want to make a memorable jingle.

How do jingles work, and what lyrics should they contain? How can you gain influence from other jingles without replicating them? How do you develop your brand through a jingle and encourage your audience to reach out to you? 

Answer these questions and you can master how to make a memorable jingle in no time. Here is your quick guide.

Think About a Core Message

Your jingle should have a message that your audience can discern easily. Think about what the purpose of your jingle is. You may want your audience to know what the phone number for your business is, or you may want to promote a particular product. 

Base everything in the jingle around that message. If you’re promoting a phone number, sing about what calling the number will do for your audience. If you’re promoting a product, you can describe the product and explain how it is better than others. 

Try to write your message into one sentence you can repeat in your jingle like a chorus or refrain. Revise that sentence until it becomes more musical and catchy. You can use rhyme, alliteration, or assonance to make your sentence sound good.

Jingles for television ads are a little different than jingles on the radio. Your song needs to match the visuals on screen, and your jingle must fit within a 30-second or one-minute advertising block. But you still need to have a core message that resonates with your audience, even with accompanying visuals.

Contemplate Your Brand

Your jingle will not be effective if you do not attach it to your pre-established brand. If your business has a traditional and conservative brand, your jingle shouldn’t be silly or reminiscent of modern pop songs. 

Take a look at your previous marketing efforts and think about how your customers perceive you. If you are running a new business or don’t have a clear idea of your brand, you can run focus groups. You can also conduct surveys, asking your customers what they like in advertising. 

Listen to some classic jingles like 1-877-KARS-4-KIDS. Think about what your impression of the company is after you have listened to the jingle. Break down how the lyrics, beats, and rhythms of the jingle develop the brand, and think about how you can engage in a similar effort.

Research Jingles With Similar Messages

You are likely competing with at least one other business that has created a jingle. Listen to the jingles your competitors have made. 

It is okay if your jingle shares some characteristics with theirs, like a similar chord progression or beat. However, your jingle needs to have distinctive qualities, namely an original message. 

Once you’ve looked at your competitors, you should research businesses similar to yours in other geographic areas. Listen to what they do and take notes on the qualities in their jingles that you like. You should also brainstorm a few ways to distinguish your jingle, such as including descriptions of local landmarks.

Avoid Regurgitating Other Songs

Many people create jingles that are clearly inspired by popular songs. It is okay to take influence from a song that is at the top of the charts. 

But you should never take characteristics from popular songs and drop them in your jingle. You risk infringing on the songwriter’s copyright, which can lead to a lawsuit. 

You also risk making your jingle dated. Many pop songs fall off the charts after a few weeks, and you want your jingle to last longer than that. 

Select an Identifiable Genre

One of the best ways to develop your brand through your jingle is to pick a genre your audience would identify with. If you are a law firm, you may want to select a jingle based on classical music. If you sell land, you can make a country jingle that reminds your audience of the Wild West.

Feel free to look at subgenres as well. Trucking companies can make a truck-driving country jingle. 

Once you’ve selected a genre or subgenre you want to make a jingle in, you should do your research on the genre. Look to see if any of your competitors have made a jingle in your genre. If they have, you may want to select a different one so you can be more unique. 

Create a Strong Intro and Finish

Most jingles are 30 seconds or one minute long. You have to pack in a lot of information in a short period of time, but you can’t forget about having a strong introduction and conclusion. If you don’t hook your audience in, they won’t engage with your message. 

Many intros in jingles do not use lyrics, but catchy notes to draw your audience’s attention. Try to write a couple of catchy chords or an interesting melody. If your intro is really good, you can repeat it over the course of the song or as a conclusion. 

Your conclusion can be a call to action. After talking about your business, you can give your phone number so your customers know how to reach you. 

Write Effective Jingles for Commercials Today

Creating jingles for commercials means understanding a few different things. Each of your jingles should have a message that you contain within a catchy line. The jingle should develop your brand without contradicting previous marketing efforts. 

You should research other jingles, but your jingle should be its own product. Never replicate what pop songs are doing. Hook your audience in with a great melody at the start and then let them go with a call to action. 

Don’t create great jingles alone. Killerspots Agency helps Cincinnati businesses create jingles for commercials. Contact us today. 

Are Custom Radio Ads Still Effective in 2022?

radio ads

Despite claims to the contrary, radio remains a dominant form of media, entertainment, and information in the digital age. On World Radio Day in 2016, 44,000 radio stations worldwide were able to reach approximately 70% of the entire global population.

Since that day, the number of stations and radio shows has only continued to grow. With that in mind, where do radio ads fit into the mix?

Custom radio ads for business can be an excellent way to advertise your company to a huge number of people at once. Read on to find out more about radio ad production and why you should be investing today.

Just How Effective Are Radio Ads in the Digital Age?

First, we’ll answer the main question posed by this article; are radio ads still effective?

The short answer is yes, radio production is still a viable way to advertise your company in 2022. Not only is it viable, but it can also be superior to other forms of advertising available to companies today.

Studies have shown that radio adverts are, in fact, 20% more effective at building brands than other mediums.

This was the result of a comprehensive study pitting televised adverts against radio ads. Not only were radio ads found to work better in the study, but they were also found to be a far more cost-effective solution.

This is because creating TV ads today can be expensive. You need to think about filming locations, actors, scripts, lighting, and considerably more. This is even before you think about trying to get your TV advert syndicated.

Radio adverts are a far cheaper solution, which makes them more attractive for many SMEs in 2022.

But how exactly can you produce a successful radio advertisement?

How Can You Produce a Radio Advert to Ensure Success?

Producing a radio advert might be cheaper than TV, but that doesn’t mean it’s entirely easy. There are a lot of areas to bear in mind to ensure your advert works as well as it possibly can.

The first thing to bear in mind is the brand voice you are attempting to portray in your advert. Per the study above, radio adverts are at their best when they’re used to build a particular brand.

That means you need to research beforehand to ensure you know what kind of brand voice your company should be broadcasting. To do this, you should first assess your target demographics.

Think about your ideal customer and what they like to do on a day-to-day basis. Then, you need to consider how your branding can appeal to this particular person.

As radio is an audio-focused medium, you need to consider also how your advert is going to sound. It’s advisable to work with a professional radio advert producer to get the highest quality sound possible.

But you should also consider whether or not to create a jingle. These can make your business more memorable for consumers if they’re designed appropriately.

Are Scripted Radio Adverts Effective in 2022?

Some companies may want to create adverts off the cuff. But for the vast majority, scripting a radio advert is a preferable option.

With scripting, you can set out everything you need to say in a radio ad ahead of time. Since radio adverts work best as short snippets, this is an essential task.

Scripting a radio advert can be easier if you’ve seen some radio advert script examples ahead of time. Read through successful adverts, and figure out how exactly they achieve that success.

Then, it’s a case of modifying that layout or design and fitting it in with your own brand. Sometimes humor can be a reliable approach to take with radio ads.

Humor is hard to achieve, but when you’ve written something funny, it’ll ultimately become more memorable to listeners. 

Another common approach is to create a hypothetical scenario built around your brand. For example, if you’re managing a restaurant, you could simulate a conversation between a waiter and a family of diners.

This makes the listener feel like they’re already a part of your brand by listening to a dining scenario. 

The only barrier to a successful radio advert script is your imagination. Understand what makes your company different from others, and use that to your advantage.

What Else Should You Consider When Creating a Radio Advert?

Production value really matters when you’re working with radio commercial production. This is why, as mentioned above, you should work with a professional company where possible.

Make sure to record your adverts in a designated studio space with the right equipment. 

A good trick to bear in mind is thinking about how your radio advert stands out from others. Making a unique radio advert will make it stick in your customer’s minds for a longer period of time.

This can then hopefully convert them to paying customers later down the line. But uniqueness isn’t easy. First, really take the time to listen to your competition’s radio adverts.

If they don’t have any of their own, you’re already at an advantage. But think about using sounds or scripts that surprise and engage the listener.

The last thing you want to do is create a radio advert that sounds like everything else on the radio that day.

Finally, make sure to do a trial run. Create a target group of customers who can listen to your advert ahead of time. Then, listen to the feedback they have, and tweak your advert where necessary.

As long as you believe in your business and your customers, you can create a successful radio advert in 2022.

Where Can I Find Out More About Radio Advertising in 2022?

You should now know that radio ads are hugely successful in 2022. You should also know how to create your own, and what to bear in mind if you’re doing so.

We provide radio advert production assistance as well a host of other services for digital marketing. If you’re interested in recording an advert of your own, make sure to contact our experienced team directly.

Jingle for Commercials : 5 Ways to Create Engaging Television Ads

Television ads

Video advertisements, such as television ads, are shared 1,200% more than the combination of texts and links. Consumers are able to remember videos better, thus remembering the brand and its products. 

In fact, investing in television ads can increase the effectiveness of your advertising by 40%! 

That is if you do it right. 

It can be difficult to capture the attention of viewers when commercials are on. Nowadays, TV watchers turn to their phones during a commercial break. So, how do you make them look up from their smaller screens?

Keep reading to find out!

1. A Memorable Jingle

What are some of the most memorable jingles of television ads today? According to this study, “Nationwide is on your side” is the best-known jingle. We’ll bet you even sang it in your head when coming across those words. 

The second most memorable is McDonald’s “Ba-da-ba-ba-baaa… I’m lovin’ it.”

Closely following isn’t even much of a jingle, just the powerful cry of “RICOLAAAAA.” 

We’ve learned from this that your jingle doesn’t have to be extremely clever, long, or funny. It just has to be simple and unique. Not to mention, a commercial jingle should be timeless. 

By this, we mean you should not factor in trends, because trends are always shifting. 

Think about what your brand sells and who the target audience is. Familiarize yourself with their likes and dislikes. Then, consider your brand identity and how the two correlate. 

What are you promising to the consumer with their use of your product or service? How should your customer feel afterwards?

The Nationwide insurance jingle suggests safety and calmness with their services. McDonald’s suggests that their delicious food will make you want to do a little dance. Ricola allows the user to think they can scream from the mountaintops after using their lozenge. 

Look for a way to convey messages like these through a jingle of your own. If writing jingles production isn’t your forté, we’re happy to help

2. A Promise to Make Consumer’s Lives Easier

You’ve created your business through identifying a lack of your product or service in the market. Therefore, your business should be the saving grace of your target consumer. 

Your television ads should make this apparent. They must suggest the problem and offer your solution. 

The suggestion of a common problem can be difficult to convey nonchalantly. This must be expertly done, as it will be the factor that makes your audience look up from their phones. 

Don’t be the ad that directly questions: “Do you have problems with blah-blah-blah?” That makes it too infomercial-like. 

Make the commercial seem like it is an exact representation of your target audience struggling without the use of your product or service. Give it some quirks, make it slightly absurd, add your spin on the situation. 

And then bring it home with your business being the superhero. End with that killer jingle that everyone gets stuck in their heads, and you just got someone to search your business on their phone during the next commercial. 

3. Representation Matters

There is a line between consumers wanting to see their celebrity idols endorsing a product versus them wanting to see folks they can identify with. 

The best television commercials both entice a customer and offer trustworthiness. Trust can be built between a brand and its customers through inclusive marketing.

In fact, 49% of consumers do not purchase goods from brands that don’t uphold similar values. 

We suggest looking at the reviews of your products and services to find who is using them. Address their concerns with your television ads and let them know you’re listening. 

A brand that listens to their customers gains loyalty. 

A celebrity on TV commercials give it that “wow” factor, but only for short term interest. Representing folks with real issues and offering a real solution will provide you with long-term sales. 

4. Pair Your Television Ads With Radio

We at Killerspots are experts in multiple ad production services, and custom jungles for your business can live on a few different advertising entities. 

Ears will certainly perk up when they identify a familiar sound. So, if you’re watching TV at home and hear an ad that you heard on the radio earlier today, you’ll likely look up to see what it is. 

This is an attention grabber. 

It also suggests to consumers that your business must be doing well if able to afford both television and radio ad placements—thus granting your business credibility. 

If a consumer in need of services like yours thinks you to be credible and trustworthy, they’re more likely to pick your business over competitors. 

5. Consistency is Key

When placing an ad anywhere, regardless of it being TV, radio, print, etc., you want your advertisements to be consistent. By this, we mean that you want your ads to seamlessly coalesce.

Doing this allows your customers to immediately identify your brand. You’ve attracted a niche market, and your products or services must find a niche commercial idea that can be translated across mediums.

Perhaps that’s through using the same actor or actress every time. Maybe your jingle plays at the beginning as a quick identifying trigger. 

No matter how you do it, you want people to see or hear something and immediately recognize your brand. 

Jingle Your Way to Sales

Creating engaging television ads is difficult to come by nowadays, but the most important thing is the jingle that pairs with it. This sets the tone of your brand and serves as a building block to loyalty and sales. 

Contact us today to find out what we can do for you and your business. We are a full-service agency that is eager to tackle any of your marketing needs.

Brand Marketing : 6 Benefits of Investing in Custom On-Hold Messages

Brand Marketing

The scenario’s not new: you call up a company to make a payment and are met with an annoying, robotic voice placing you on hold. Next, the repetitive elevator music comes, and you’re in for a long hour waiting on the phone. 

The problem is that roughly 60% of customers in this situation will hang up. That fact still holds true today. That’s why it’s so important to have custom on-hold messaging that speaks to your brand marketing efforts and keeps clients engaged. 

So, are you ready to learn all about the benefits of implementing a custom on-hold for business calls? Check it out in this guide to customized on-hold recordings!

1. Improve Brand Recognition

When clients call your business, they’re looking for individualized support. And when you have a standardized run-of-the-mill recording, there’s no way to create that personal connection with your callers. 

Instead, your business blends into the countless others that use the same on-hold greeting or music. What could have been the chance to connect with clients becomes a lost opportunity. 

When you add on-hold recordings, however, you give yourself the chance to make your brand voice heard and to reinforce your messaging. You can promote what your company is about, strengthening your brand. 

Remember, every interaction you have with a customer is a valuable business opportunity. It’s important to make use of those interactions and maximize them.

2. Create a Professional Image 

Let’s play out a scenario here. Say you’re on the phone with two different companies. Both of them place you on hold.

One business gives you an engaging message in a professional tone, describing their new product line. The other throws you into a dark void of silence, forcing you to wait in boredom for a representative to get back to you. 

Using a custom on-hold message helps diminish some of the boredom associated with waiting on the line. And it gives you a chance to show off your business’s professionalism. 

The reason why this is the case is that customers’ first impressions, which are sometimes your on-hold messages, make a huge difference as to how they perceive your business. The better your hold messaging is, the more professional your business seems.

3. Boost Your Revenue

This might seem strange, but hear us out on this one. When customers hang up the phone, you lose potential business. And when you lose business, you lose business revenue. 

Companies might think that investing in custom on-hold messages is a wasted expense. However, if you consider the fact that the majority of clients will hang up the phone due to poor on-hold messaging, it’s actually a good investment.

By investing in custom on-hold messages, you can make the wait-time seem shorter, too. This keeps customers on the line because they don’t realize how much time they’re on the line. That connects you to them and enables you to pitch a sale much faster. 

Finally, you can actually include information about new products in your on-hold messages. This could entice customers to make additional purchases that they hadn’t originally planned on.

4. Keep Callers on the Line

A major part of keeping customers on the line is having strong on-hold messaging. That’s because many customers who are left to wait in silence end up hanging up the phone!

Keeping callers on the line is important. Even though sometimes it’s unavoidable to put clients on hold, it’s still important to make sure that you do everything you can to make the experience a positive one. 

When you use custom on-hold messages, you can make the experience more positive. Plus, you can actually make it more productive by offering information or product recommendations as part of your recording. 

Using your on-hold message as a place to offer client education reduces the likelihood that your clients will hang up because you make it a more pleasant and useful experience overall. 

5. Create a Better Customer Experience

What’s surprising to many businesses is that custom on-hold messaging actually keeps customers less stressed than using silence or simple music.

Reducing stress and frustration during the on-hold experience is critical because it ensures that your customers are in a positive frame of mind once they finally get through to you. Then, they’ll be more likely to buy.

In addition, providing a positive customer experience can lead to more loyalty. When individuals know that the on-hold experience with your team is pleasant, they’re more likely to call you in the future if the need arises. 

Lastly, when you provide customers with a positive experience, they’re more likely to recommend your business to others. That can lead to boosted sales and customer bases. 

6. Control Your Content

If your current on-hold sound is silence, you don’t have this issue. However, if you use music in your on-hold service, you need to be aware of licensing regulations. 

Businesses that don’t comply with licensing laws can actually wind up in big trouble for using copyrighted content on their on-hold calls!

By creating custom on-hold content, however, you’re in control of what gets played back to customers. You don’t have to worry about licensing issues or about run-ins with the laws since it’s your original work. 

Build Your Brand Marketing With Custom On-Hold Messages

Having custom on-hold messages is a fantastic way to improve your brand marketing strategy. It’s a better way to connect with clients and keep them engaged with your business. 

If you’re ready to get started improving your brand, give us a call. Together, we’ll position your business for success and increase customer engagement through expert marketing strategies. 

Radio Commercial : Benefits of Advertising Your Business on Radio

radio commercial

Even with so many modern-day competitors, radio is still a popular medium. A 2021 NPR study reported that 63% of American adults listen to the radio daily. Therefore, a radio commercial is still a viable marketing strategy. 

In addition, there are many other ways that your business can benefit from radio ads. This article will cover a good number of them. In case you need more convincing, read on. 

Radio Advertising ROI Is Higher

Radio commercial production is one of the cheapest marketing methods. Producing a radio commercial only costs $1K to $2.5K. Airing a commercial on the radio costs $200 to $5K per week. 

In comparison, a TV advertising campaign can cost a lot more. The entire production of TV advertisements can cost up to $50K. Broadcasting a 30-second ad on a national network can cost up to $1M. 

Radio Commercial Production Is Less Complex

It’s also easier to create a radio commercial than it is to create a TV one. To create a TV commercial, a TV production company needs actors, a set, makeup, costumes, cameras, microphones, and more. All a radio commercial production company needs are voice talents, microphones, soundproofing equipment, and audio mixing software. 

Because of this, a radio commercial can be written, recorded, and mixed quickly. In addition, recording companies can make necessary changes without losing much time. 

In contrast, a television commercial will take longer to complete. Any missing element can lead to production delays. 

Radio Is More Trustworthy

Surveys taken over the years have asked consumers which media format they trusted more. In many of these, including this one, radio had a higher trust ranking. This is in contrast to media like television or social media, which ranked lower. 

This trustworthiness is also present with radio advertisements as well. Surveys such as this one prove as much. As a result, consumers will see your brand as more trustworthy when you advertise on the radio. 

Radio Data Appears Faster

It can take months for you to learn the results of a print, internet, or television campaign. In contrast, you can get radio marketing campaign results almost instantly. 

There are many ways that you can measure radio advertisement interaction. One of these is how much customers spend after hearing a commercial. Another is how many of them visit your website or business location.

In addition, receiving information faster can help you change your campaign faster. If the metrics aren’t what you want, you can pull the current ad. Then you can make a new advertisement or cancel the campaign altogether.

Such flexibility isn’t possible with most other advertisement types.

Radio Personalities Can Be Effective Influencers 

It’s no secret that celebrity endorsements can boost a product or service’s profits. Brands have been using music, movie, and sports celebrities to promote their products for ages. In fact, a recent study showed that 66% of brands were going to increase their influencer-based marketing budget. 

The popularity of this advertising method is no accident. Studies have shown that the ROI of these campaigns can be as high as 11%. Also, this type of advertisement is very effective with younger consumers. 

You may believe that this form of advertisement won’t work with radio personalities. It may appear that their popularity level is less than that of TV and/or social media influencers. 

This isn’t true. According to this survey, radio listeners know a lot of personal information about their favorite DJs. Therefore, a DJ endorsement can be as effective as one from other influencer types.  

Radio Listening Happens Everywhere

Television and the internet are not very portable forms of entertainment. Even if consumers can access either of them with a phone or tablet, Wi-Fi is difficult to get. Consumers need to stay in an area with free Wi-Fi or pay a lot for wireless data. 

Radio is different. All that a consumer needs is a good quality radio. Then, they can mostly access stations whenever and wherever they want. 

In addition, less focus is required to listen to the radio. Listeners don’t need to focus on radio visually as they would on television and the internet. They can easily do any other activity, such as driving, working, and so on. 

Therefore, your company’s radio ad will probably get a lot more attention than those in other mediums. 

Radio Marketing Is Targeted Well

Each form of radio content has a specific demographic. These data points include age ranges, locations, and so on.

For example, younger generations more often listen to newer music. On the other hand, older individuals lean towards the music of their youth.  

All of this is available to radio stations. When you purchase airtime, they can match your ad with your preferred demographic. Then, they will air it at the appropriate time. 

Radio Stations Can Also Host Events

Along with hosting your ad, radio stations can also offer your business marketing with events. Radio personalities or guests can test your products on air. A contest where winners receive your products or services is another option. 

These sorts of events are more difficult to do on social media or tv. A consumer can easily turn away from these campaigns to do something else.

However, a radio listener may be stuck in their car. Therefore, your audience can be partially captive. 

Make a Radio Commercial With Us

Of course, even with the best medium, a poor commercial can make your marketing campaign fail. Therefore, it’s also important to create an effective radio commercial. With this, your business is more likely to profit from the benefits of the radio medium.

If you need help with creating an effective radio commercial, we can help. Our radio ad production process can offer your business everything it needs. This includes incredible voice talent, persuasive scriptwriting, and attractive sound effects and music. 

What are you waiting for? Hire our services ASAP. 

Radio Ad Production: Brand Voice Vs Tone

Radio Ad Production

The radio advertising industry expects a $19.58 billion global market size in 2022. This value grew from about $18.34 billion in the previous year. With this is the projection of the industry’s recovery from the impact of Covid-19.

Covid-19 caused a massive loss in every industry there is. With more businesses trying to recuperate, the demand for advertising services is increasing.

The radio ad is one way to introduce and create retention for your brand. Radio is perfect for promoting strategic advertising messages at a moment’s notice. And it comes with cost-effectiveness as a bonus!

There are things to do before working with a radio station for your advertisement. Before anything else, you should introduce who you are as a brand. Be clear in identifying your brand voice and your brand tone.

Do you want to know more about brand voice vs tone?This article will help you differentiate the two and lead you on how to use both in crafting your content.

What Is Brand Voice?

The brand voice always reflects the personality of your brand. It means that your brand voice reflects your principles and goals as a company. Because of this, it should remain the same over time unless you opt for rebranding.

Brand voice is how you communicate your distinct perspective to your target market. It incorporates all your communication techniques, including your spoken and written language. It also reflects your brand image, including trademarks, banners, and marketing strategies.

What Is Brand Tone?

The brand tone is how you use your brand voice to reflect your brand personality. It makes use of your brand voice to create a strong connection with your market. Your brand voice remains consistent throughout all your communications, while brand tone changes.

The brand tone you choose depends on circumstances and the potential audience. It reflects the ad context’s uniqueness while being consistent with the brand.

Brand Voice Combined With Brand Tone

Always consider your brand’s voice when drafting content for your company’s advertisement. The range of communications you develop for your company must represent this voice.

The voice could be serious or humorous, or classy. The sky is the limit, but it should still represent the brand.

With this in mind, your brand tone must be consistent with the type of communication you wish to create. The circumstances will define whether the brand tone will be light or otherwise.

Brand voice vs tone shouldn’t be your focus. Instead, incorporate the two together to make your marketing strategy more effective.

Know the distinctions and focus on establishing your company’s voice. Until then, come up with various tones that you may use in different scenarios.

How to Find Your Brand Voice

Establishing your brand voice is the foundation of all your communications. Your brand tones will also rely on this. Thus, your campaign materials, video, and audio advertisements must adhere to your voice.

To find your brand voice, here are tips you should consider:

Analyze Your Mission and Vision Statements

Again, brand personality should reflect your values. And where can you find your company’s core values? You can find them within your mission and vision statement.

It will help determine how your marketing efforts relate your values to your brand.

Assess Available Content and Messaging

It’s time to undertake a quick assessment if you already have material or copy that you’ve created. Take a look at your advertising strategies.

Then, take notice of any messaging or tone patterns that are consistent. Check to see if your present tone of voice reflects your brand’s beliefs and mission.

Pay great attention to the elements that have the most satisfactory results. These could tell you the most about your target audience’s preferences.

Audience Feedback

Create a simple survey to see how your audience perceives your brand if you already have an audience. It will help you gather more ideas to establish your brand voice faster.

Consistency Is Key

Establish clear guidelines for your employees to refer to while creating content. It maintains your company’s brand standard. It also ensures that every asset you develop is consistent with the brand.

Achieve consistency even if several different people are creating content for your brand.

How to Find Brand Tone

Once you have established your brand voice, it will be easier to identify your brand tone. Consider the following tips when crafting your content:

Know Your Audience

It all depends on who you’re trying to reach. You can then create a voice tone that’s appropriate and well-received by the target audience.

For example, you wouldn’t associate a humorous tone with a business-oriented company. Likewise, you wouldn’t make serious content for companies with children as its market.

Message Channel

The adoption of particular speech tones varies depending on the communication channel. Lighter and friendlier tones are more popular on social media platforms. You can apply these tones in venues such as Instagram and Twitter.

Email, phone, and online conversations, for example, need serious and heavyweight engagement. For reliable and engaging content, it’s critical to know how to use the proper tone in each medium.

Know Your Material

It covers what kind of material will communicate your tone and message. Types of communication materials include advertisement posters, TV ads, and radio ads, among others.

For instance, a radio Christmas jingle works well at grocery stores. However, it’s inappropriate for some establishments where you can only pin poster ads.

Produce the Best Radio Ad Your Brand Has Ever Had

Knowing the difference between your brand voice and brand tone is essential. But knowing how to incorporate these will produce your perfect radio advertisement!

Brand tone and voice are different, but you need both to communicate your brand’s message.

Above are the things you should note when considering radio ads as a marketing strategy. We hope this article helped you differentiate a brand voice from a brand tone.

Radio ad production may seem a little burdensome but not as hard with our guidance. Work with us! We do radio ad production, jingles for business, studio rental, graphic design, and more!

Ready, Set, Action! Green Screen Studio Rental Benefits in Cincinnati

Green Screen Studio Rental Cincinnati

If you stay in touch with the world of marketing at all, you’ve likely heard that video marketing is essential even for small businesses. Increasingly, people are choosing to watch videos online rather than read articles. This means that having video ads can be seriously beneficial to your business.

However, making video ads can feel like a big learning curve. What if you don’t have video equipment or a great location to shoot?

That’s where green screen studio rentals in Cincinnati come in.

Wondering why you might want to rent a green screen studio in the Queen City? Let’s take a look at what you should know.

What Is a Green Screen?

A green screen is a backdrop that can be used while filming video footage. Basically, people can be filmed in front of the green screen and other footage can be superimposed on the screen using a process known as “chroma keying.” Using this technology, green screens can be used to create videos where it looks like the subject is in any number of destinations or places.

What Are the Benefits of Renting a Green Screen Studio?

If you’re considering making an ad for your business, you might be wondering “why use a green screen at all?” If you haven’t checked into the green screen world in a while, you might think that videos using green screens are clunky and cheesy. However, the technology has come a long way in recent years, meaning that you’ve probably watched a lot of advertisements that were shot using a green screen without even realizing it.

There are a lot of green screen benefits when it comes to creating advertisements or other videos for your business. Let’s take a look at why renting a green screen studio in Cincinnati might be right for your next shoot.

Create Professional Looking Backgrounds

When you are making videos for your company or for personal use, the background is essential for creating a professional look. When you use a digital background setup, it means that you have complete control over the setting in which your video is shot. It doesn’t matter if you’re business doesn’t even have a physical office or storefront, with a green screen you can create a professional-looking production with ease.

Helps Build Brand Identity

There is also an awesome opportunity for building your brand identity when you use a green screen in your videos. You can help to make your videos stand out by adding branding elements, colors, and textures that help your customers identify with your brand. This means that you can maximize your advertising efforts while also making your videos look high-quality and authoritative.

(Are you also thinking about making radio ads for your brand? Learn more about our radio ad production here.)

Gives You Control over Your Environment

It can be very stressful to record a video on location. There are a lot of reasons why your shoot could get disrupted, including weather conditions, traffic, and many other setbacks. Having these kinds of interactions can be expensive and time costly.

On the other hand, when you choose green screen studio rentals in Cincinnati, you have complete control over your environment. You don’t have to worry about circumstances outside of your control getting in the way of your schedule. You also don’t have to put time into checking the weather, booking locations, or other time-costly aspects of trying to shoot on location.

Allows You to Film Anywhere in the World

One of the biggest green screen benefits is that you can film yourself literally anywhere in the world. You can be standing in front of the Great Wall of China, a tropical beach, or a shelf filled with classical texts. Green screens open up the possibility of creating videos or advertisements that show you in a variety of locations, all without having to hop on a plane.

Green Screen Rental in Cincinnati Is Very Affordable

Another big benefit of green screen rentals is that it’s quite affordable. This is particularly true when you compare using a green screen to actually traveling to a different location to shoot a video.

Additionally, the video editing software used to create green screen videos has improved tremendously over the years. It has also gotten a lot more affordable, making this even more accessible to businesses of all sizes.

When you’re trying to make an advertisement, your budget can quickly get eaten up by renting out spaces, using multiple locations, and the costs of various other resources. When you use a green screen, making a video can be quick, easy, and affordable.

Renting a Green Screen Studio Is the Best Bang for Your Buck

If you are planning on making green screen videos every day, maybe it makes sense for you to build your own green screen studio. However, for most businesses, the frequency with which they make advertisements would never justify the cost of having your own studio.

That’s where green screen rentals in Cincinnati come in. At our studio, everything is set up and ready to go. This means you can start shooting as soon as you get to the studio without the type of setup and breakdown you would need in your own setup.

Is It Time for You to Rent a Green Screen Studio?

As you can see, there are a lot of compelling reasons why you might want to rent a green screen studio in Cincinnati. Our studio is conveniently located just five miles away from the EastGate Mall and Jungle Jim’s.

At Killer Creative, we offer countless services to help your business succeed and grow. If you’re ready to rent a green screen for your next video, you can learn more here.

Maintaining Brand Voice In Radio Ads: Key Tips & Tricks

Maintaining Brand Voice in Radio Ads

Since the 1890s inventors and creators alike have been experimenting with the radio and how to get the best performance out of this piece of technology. In recent times, radio is used to promote advertisements.

But, building a brand voice on this medium can be tricky. For example, how can you create a script that highlights all the positives of your business and also convey empathy, connection, and understanding to your target audience? 

Well, thankfully, this article will give you everything you need to write a radio Ad that makes your brand voice shine! 

Grab a cup of coffee and let’s begin…

Tips for Nailing Your Brand Voice in Radio Ads

Before you spend hours Googling good ad examples, you should know the benefits that business radio ads can bring to your company. From raising awareness of your brand to boosting traffic to your website. 

Think of radio as your secret weapon in the modern marketing world. If done correctly, you could start seeing incredible results in no time! 

So, how do you make radio ads that fit your brand voice?

1. Write for Your Audience

Everyone knows that having a strong brand voice is one of the most important parts of any business. It can help you reach more people and build a better company reputation, especially if you are just starting out. 

So, when you’re brainstorming ideas for radio ads examples, make sure you take into consideration your target audience. You’ll have to think about all the details including language, tone, and personality. 

2. Make It Imaginative

Even though radio is about listening, that doesn’t mean that you can conjure up some imaginative visuals in your audience’s mind. Stories have the power to persuade, entice, and take someone on a journey. 

If you craft a compelling script, it can be just as convincing as watching an Oscar-nominated film. Plus, stories give you the perfect opportunity to highlight your brand voice!

3. Sympathize and Connect

Some of the most successful custom radio ads for businesses aim to sympathize with the target audience. If you show an understanding of the struggles and pain of your consumers, they will want to listen. 

Half the battle of creating the best radio ads is making the listener feel understood. Once you’ve managed to offer a solution to their problems, there is a higher chance that people will want to reach out for your services. 

Therefore, sympathizing and connecting with your audience is essential when writing the script. 

4. End With a Call-to-Action

The best content ends with a call-to-action that will direct people towards your business. In radio, it’s no different. You want to end the script with a memorable call-to-action that will drive traffic to your website. 

As the listeners will be driving you should make this part short and snappy. The more concise and clear, the better! 

5. Provide Rewards

Who doesn’t love a reward, right? Offering a free trial, a discount, or another special offer could seal the deal with your audience and motivate them to use your business. 

If you make the reward time-limited, this could encourage people to act fast and reach out quickly. A little incentive could be the finishing piece to a great radio script. 

6. Less Is More

When it comes to time, a radio ad is one of the shortest timeframes available for advertising. You only have around 30 seconds to relay information and grab the attention of your audience. 

Try not to overcomplicate your message and make it as simple as possible without losing any important meaning or information. Determine your goal and write every word towards it.

If you start feeling frustrated, just bear in mind that the ROI on radio advertising is huge, so it’s worth every minute! 

How to Keep Your Brand Voice Consistent 

Once you’ve created your brand, the next part is about keeping your message consistent. If your consumers buy into a brand, they expect it to stay the same.

The first way to keep consistency is to be clear on your mission, values, and goals. Transparency goes a long way when building a brand, so make sure your audience knows exactly who you are and what you want to achieve.

Decide What You’re Not

As well as being transparent, it’s important to determine what you don’t want to be. You can even contrast your brand against others that you want to avoid to make your message clearer. 

For example, if you’re an SEO agency, you want to provide clients with in-depth research and not fluff. So, you could write something like, “Unlike other SEO agencies, we focus on research, not fluff…” Get the picture?

Make a Brand Style Guide 

During the creation process, you should take notes of the different aspects of your brand. It’s a good idea to create a guide for copywriting, graphics, fonts, images, colors, and other branding material. 

If you have all this information in one place, it will be easy to brief your team or introduce a new client to your brand. Plus, it helps keep everything consistent. 

When you work with an agency, a style guide will be a lifesaver when you need to explain your business. If you work with Killerspots for your radio ads you will save lots of time discussing your brand voice if it’s all on paper. 

Killerspots have been creating radio ads since 1999 so they know what they’re talking about. 

Make Your Brand Voice Shine With Radio Ads

Listening to the radio when you’re driving down a long road surrounded by nature is one of the few times in life that you can relax. The last thing you want during those moments is a loud, forceful radio Ad to ruin it. 

That’s why spending time getting your brand voice the best it can be and creating a pleasant-sounding radio Ad is crucial. It could make or break the future of your business. 

Therefore, Killerspots is the only place to go for high-quality content creation that will give your listeners something wonderful to listen to. 

Ready to find out more? Get in touch today!

On The Line: How To Do An On-Hold Message Right & Keep Customers

How to Do an On-Hold Message Right and Keep Customers

Most people tend to overlook customer service in their radio Ad plan production because an on-hold message can’t get you sales, right? 

Wrong. Customer service and on hold messaging could be the secret weapon to building brand loyalty and a better reputation for your business. 

In order to succeed in this area of your marketing strategy, you need to create the perfect on hold greetings for your company on-hold messages. Once you’ve mastered the telephone side of the business, you’ll start seeing results. 

So, let’s take a look at how you can craft a killer on-hold message that will win over your clients and improve engagement rates through radio commercial production…

How to Craft a Great On-Hold Message

Before you can begin to reap the benefits of on-hold messaging you need to be able to grab the attention of the listener. And, the only way to do that is by scripting an amazing dialogue and custom jingles for business.

Here’s how to create a brilliant on-hold message and a jingle for commercials:

1. Know Your Audience

One of the worst things to do in an on-hold message is to write a script that isn’t relatable to your target audience. First, you need to brainstorm the age group, gender, lifestyle, and other factors that will interest your audience.

Next, you need to write a custom on hold message for your business that will appeal to their interests or provide a solution to their problems. 

2. Relax and Be Natural

When you think of recording on-hold messaging with custom jingles for the business you might automatically start sounding robotic and frigid. Even though this is normal when you’re reading a script…

It could harm your business, radio ad production, and commercial radio production.

An easy way to avoid sounding fake or awkward is to imagine how you would like to be talked to. If you put yourself in the position of the caller then you’ll instantly feel more comfortable. 

Just remember to read it aloud, ask people to edit it, and do a practice test with colleagues to find out if it sounds natural or not. That way, you’ll avoid the deafening silence on the phone when you receive callers. 

3. Time Is Precious

Callers can become impatient if they have to wait a few minutes on hold. That’s where customer on-hold messages for business come to the rescue. But, time is precious for callers and for your business…

So, you need to make sure that there is enough information to tell your caller to avoid them listening to the same message over and over again.

4. Make It Current

Another way to make your on-hold message more personal besides custom music-on-hold messages is by adding a current theme to your recording. For instance, holidays are a perfect time to update your script. 

Wishing your caller a Happy New Year or Merry Christmas is a small way to keep your message relevant and relatable. You can also include announcements about upcoming events and deals. 

Not only should the message be current to the season but it should also be current to your business timeline. You could even research a green screen studio rental in Cincinnati to plan out your Ad.

Therefore, scheduling a day every few months to check over the message and implement changes will improve the quality. 

5. Have an End Goal

Writing a script for an on-hold message is about more than just talking to fill up the silence. As a business, you should always have an end goal in sight. So, what do you want to accomplish with the message? 

If your aim is to promote your services and make sales then you should be subtle. Don’t bombard the caller with forceful sales jargon, just give them an impressive fact about the business and highlight your best features. 

Once you’ve given callers this information you will offer them a chance to reach out and come to you to find out more. This will benefit your business immensely and help you build more customers.

6. Offer a Call-Back Option 

Offering a call-back option in your on-hold message could be a good idea if you’re worried about keeping your callers waiting and don’t want to run into complaints later on. 

By removing the element of waiting, the caller will feel less stressed and you won’t need to apologize for making them wait longer than expected. It works for the caller and for you. The ideal combination!

What to Avoid

Without a doubt, one of the most important parts of an on-hold message is the music. We’ve all experienced the awful elevator music that repeats on a loop when you’re calling customer service to find out about your purchase. 

So, getting the music right is vital to making your message memorable and high-quality. Now, you might be thinking, how can you go wrong with the music?

Knowing what to avoid when it comes to music could make or break your on-hold message. First, you want to ensure that the music matches your brand. Otherwise, your custom radio Ads for business will fail.

For example, if you have a yoga studio that blasts death metal on the message then it might confuse your caller. The tone doesn’t translate to your brand and it could put people off calling again. 

Therefore, you want suitable music. If you take the yoga studio as a reference then you might want to play something meditative and soothing like a soft jingle. This conveys calm and peace. Everything you want!

If you’re looking to make your on-hold message personal and choose the best music then Killerspots is the place to go. You won’t find a better company to produce your script and offer custom features. 

Even though an on-hold message might be at the bottom of your priority list that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t focus on its quality. It’s the little things that matter. 

Give Your Callers the Experience of a Lifetime

An on-hold message is a simple way to boost your business’s reputation and build better connections with your customers. No one likes to be put on hold, but if you make the experience more enjoyable it lessens the stress. 

It makes your caller feel like they matter. Do you want your customers to feel important? Then, invest in upgrading your on-hold messages with jingles production! 

Killerspots can offer you comprehensive ordering options, custom music, and all at an affordable price. Don’t wait any longer and reach out today to find out more!